The Diary of Anne Frank - Before reading

Honestly, I have never had much interest in this book, but I had a week to develop it, since from the day I won the book my mother did not leave it.
It has been a while that my parents and I are interested in going to Holland. My mother is who always makes the "script" of our tours and the secret hiding place of Anne was already in the script and she thought it "important" to read the book before going there, I confess that I found my mother's interest in the book a bit funny, since she does not have the habit of reading as many books as I do. She spent every afternoon of that week reading the book, since I had to take it to school, the biggest problem was that my mother is as talkative "communicative" as I am, so I had to ask her several times not to give me spoilers.
But I can say that it was her "mini spoilers" that made my real interest in reading the book.

* Image of the Anne Frank Secret Hiding Place


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